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2022-03-24 15:17  


教师姓名: 柴蓓蓓

学历学位: 博士研究生/博士



政治面貌: 中共党员

所在部门: 水电学院








   : 教授








2001/9 - 2005/6,西安建筑科技大学,给水排水工程,学士

2005/9 - 2008/6,西安建筑科技大学,市政工程,硕士

2009/9 - 2012/6,西安建筑科技大学,市政工程,博士

2013/3 - 2018/12,西安科技大学,地质资源与地质工程博士后流动站,博士后

2012/6 – 2016/10,西安科技大学,建筑与土木工程学院,讲师

2016/11 – 2020/06,西安科技大学,建筑与土木工程学院,副教授,硕导









Ø 2023中国杰出青年女科技工作者

Ø 河北省杰出青年科学基金项目

Ø 河北省课程思政名师

Ø 教育部重点领域教学资源及新型教材建设项目组专家(技术组-知识图谱组、新型教材及数字教学法组)

Ø 黄河流域水环境协同治理专家委员会委员

Ø 北京能源与环境学会京津冀专家委员会委员

Ø 生态环境系统工程专业委员会会员

Ø 中国城市科学研究会会员

Ø 城市水资源开发利用(南方)国家工程研究中心专家

Ø 河北省水资源高效利用技术创新中心方向带头人

Ø Viser专家库专家

Ø CNKI评审专家库专家

Ø 邯郸市环境应急专家库专家

Ø 《环境工程》期刊理事

Ø Journal of Cleaner ProductionTOP区), Science of the Total EnvironmentTOP区),Sustainable Cities and Society》(TOP区),《Journal of Environmental Management》(区), Environmental Research》(TOP区),《Journal of Soils and Sediments》(区),《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》(区),《Inland Waters》(区),《Journal of Contaminant Hydrology》(区),《Journal of Water Process Engineering》(区),《Marine Drugs》(区),《PLOSONE》,《Water Science and Technology》,《Ecological Informatics》(区),《Process Safety and Environmental Protection》(TOP区),Journal of Environmental Science区),《中国环境科学》,《净水技术》等期刊审稿专家。

Ø 教育类SCI期刊《Computer Applications in Engineering Education》审稿专家

Ø 《净水技术》青年编委

Ø 第十三届、十四届、十五届、十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛网评专家

Ø 碳汇计量评估师(中国环境科学学会)、水利BIM工程师(中国管理科学研究院职业教育研究院)

Ø 邯郸燕赵英才



1、 河北省杰出青年科学基金项目E2022402064、分层型水库泥水界面负排放微生物驱动与调控机制、2022/01-2024/1250万元、在研、主持

2、 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目236Z4101G、镧改性粉煤灰小球水土共治及水体磷


3、 国家自然科学基金青年项目51509199、静水压对大水深水库水体-沉积物界面磷迁移转化的影响机理研究、2016/01-2018/1224万元、结题、主持

4、 河北省自然科学基金面上项目E2022402064、基于基因水平的河北省水体-沉积物界面磷循环转化的微生物参与途径与释放机理研究、2020/01-2023/1310万元、在研、主持

5、 横向:中国水利水电科学研究院、城市水环境数值模拟关键参数研究、2021/05-2022/12    


6、 横向:珠江水利科学研究院、一种快速除磷的新型生物炭研发及应用-改性生物炭材料的制备、表征及吸附、2021/09-2022/1029.5万元、在研、主持

7、 横向:中国水利水电科学研究院、 2022聚焦减污降碳促进人水和谐坚持以生态惠民助力公园城市建设资料收集、踏勘调研、2023/04-2023/0923万元、在研、主持

8、 横向:邯郸市天科生态环境研究院、“复合高效菌剂组成及作用机理研发”、2024/01-2025/0320万、在研、主持


[1] Li, Y., He, L., Pan, Y. et al. Elevated hydrostatic pressure enhances the potential for micobially mediated carbon sequestration at the sediment–water interface in a deep-water reservoir by modulating functional genes and metabolic pathways. Carbon Res. 3, 19 (2024).

[2] Tianyu Zhuo, Lixin He, Beibei Chai*(柴蓓蓓), Shilei Zhou, Qiong Wan, Xiaohui Lei, Zhenming Zhou, Bin Chen, Micro-pressure promotes endogenous phosphorus release in a deep reservoir by favouring microbial phosphate mineralisation and solubilisation coupled with sulphate reduction, Water Research, 2023, doi:, TOP,中科院分区区; IF12.8)

[3] Kehong Yu , Beibei Chai*(柴蓓蓓) , Tianyu Zhuo , Qingfeng Tang , Xia Gao , Jiamin Wang , Lixin He , Xiaohui Lei , Bin Chen** , Hydrostatic pressure drives micro-bemediated biodegradation of microplastics in surface sediments of deep reservoirs: novel findings from hydrostatic pressure simulation experiments, Water Research (2023), doi: watres.2023.120185(SCI, TOP,中科院分区区; IF12.8)

[4] Tianyu Zhuo, Qiong Wan, Beibei Chai*(柴蓓蓓), Xiaohui Lei*, Lixin He, Bin Chen. Microbial pathways in the coupling of iron, sulfur, and phosphorus cycles at the sediment-water interface of a river system: An in situ study involving the DGT technique [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2023,160855. 10.1016/j.scitotenv. 2022.160855. (SCI, TOP,中科院分区区; IF9.8)

[5] Beibei Chai (柴蓓蓓), Shuxuan Wang, Simin Li, Xiaohui Lei*, Ming Li**, Roles of bacterial biomass, physiology and community in sediment phosphorus solubilizing at varying hydrostatic pressures [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, vol 282, 124531. http:// (SCI, TOP,中科院分区区; IF11.1)

[6] Haocheng Huang, Mingshuo Zhai, Xiaohui Lei, Beibei Chai*(柴蓓蓓), Weihong Liao, Lixin He, Xiangyang Zuo, Hao Wang, Rapid quantification of the surface overflow and underground infiltration in sewer pipes based on computer vision and continuous optimization, Environmental Research, 2023, 116606, (SCI, TOP,中科院分区区; IF8.3)

[7] 李玉梅,陈凯,何立新,柴蓓蓓*,卓天宇,余柯宏,张金楠,雷晓辉.静水压对水库泥水界面脱氮潜力的影响[J].中国环境科学,2024,44(04):2119-2129. DOI:10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.20231201.001.

[8] Li, X.; Chen, K.; Wang, C. *; Zhuo, T.; Li, H.; Wu, Y., Lei, X., Li, M., Chen, B., Chai, B. *(柴蓓蓓), 2023. Deciphering environmental factors influencing phytoplankton community structure in a polluted urban river. J. Journal of Environmental Sciences.,中科院分区区;IF6.9

[9] Zhuo TY, Ding Y, Wan Q, Li SM, Chai BB*(柴蓓蓓), Lei XH* (2021) Effects of hydrostatic pressure on phosphorus transformation at the water–sediment interface of a deep reservoir: novel insights into bacterial community and functional genes [J]. J Soils Sediments ,2021,21(5):1-14 DOI: 10.1007/s11368-021-02965-4 (SCI, 中科院分区区; IF3.6)

[10] Yi Ding, Hao Wang, Qi Zhang, Beibei Chai*(柴蓓蓓), Xiaohui Lei*, Mao Ye, Bin Chen. Effects of dissolved oxygen on phosphorus transformation in reservoir sediments: novel insights on bacterial community and functional genes [J]. J. Soils Sediments, 2022: DOI 10.1007/s11368-022-03233-9(SCI, 中科院分区区; IF3.6)

[11] Yuan, K., Wan, Q., Chai, B. *(柴蓓蓓), Lei, X., Kang, A., Chen, J., Chen, X., Shi, H., He, L., Li, M.. Characterizing the effects of stormwater runoff on dissolved organic matter in an urban river (Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, China) using spectral analysis. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2023). https:// 10.1007/ s11356-023-25933-6(SCI, 中科院分区区; IF5.8)

[12] Tianyu Zhuo, Qiong Wan, Beibei Chai*, Dajun Ren, Xiaohui Lei**, Lixin He, Bin Chen, Eutrophic water remediation efficiency of algicidal bacteria, Cellvibrio sp. G1 and Chitinimonas sp. G2, and their influence on microbial community structure [J]. Algal Research, 2023,Volume 71,103034, (SCI, 中科院分区区; IF5.1)

[13] Li, X. X, Chai, B. B.* (柴蓓蓓), Wang, C., Li, H. T., Wu, Y., Lei, X. H. & Chen, B. Spatial variation of dissolved organic matter in the Tuojiang River Basin in Chengdu, China: insights based on EEMs–PARAFAC analysis. Water Science Technology, 2023, 88(5), 1178. doi: 10.2166/wst.2023.267(SCI, 中科院分区区; IF2.7)

[14] Li, X.; Yuan, K.; Chai, B*. (柴蓓蓓); Chen, J.; Chen, R.; Chen, X.; Kang, A.; Li, M.; Lei, X. * Spatiotemporal Variation of Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter Degradation Based on EEMs-PARAFAC: A Case Study of Shili River in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, China, as a Typical Demonstration City of the Yangtze River protection Strategy. Water 2023, 15, 33. (SCI, 中科院分区区; IF3.4)

[15] Ying Pan, Gang Liu, Beibei Chai*(柴蓓蓓), Xiaohui Lei*, Lixin He, Shuailong Cheng, Yijie Wang, Wenlong Chen, Simin Li, Liang Chen, Bin Chen. Control of Endogenous Phosphorus Release at the Sediment- Water Interface by Lanthanum-Modified Fly Ash[J]. Coatings, 2022, 12(6): 719. (SCI, 中科院分区区; IF3.4)

[16] You, J.; Chen, X.; Chen, L.; Chen, J.; Chai, B. *(柴蓓蓓); Kang, A.; Lei, X.; Wang, S. A Systematic Bibliometric Review of Low Impact Development Research Articles. Water 2022, 14, 2675. (SCI, 中科院分区区; IF3.4)

[17] Wuang Ren, Fengfeng Cao, Kai Ju, Fengbing Tang, Beibei Chai* (柴蓓蓓), Simin Li, Pengkang Jin. Regulatory strategies and microbial response characteristics of single-level biological aerated filter-enhanced nitrogen removal [J]. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, Volume 42, August 2021, 102190.,中科院区,IF7.0Q1

[18] Wang, H.*; Xu, Y.; Chai, B.* Effect of Temperature on Microorganisms and Nitrogen Removal in a Multi-Stage Surface Flow Constructed Wetland. Water 2023, 15, 1256., 中科院分区区; IF3.4)

[19] Dajun Ren, Yi Yao, Beibei Chai* (柴蓓蓓). Study on the Adsorption of Heavy Metals in Sludge by Calcium Alginate Cross-Linked Zeolite Microspheres [J]. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. , 2021, VOL 30, 4: 1-10. DOI:10.15244/pjoes/131156SCI,中科院分区区,IF1.8

[20] 柴蓓蓓, 曹锋锋, 鞠恺, 李思敏, 任武昂*. 不同碳源条件生物滤池深度脱氮效能及其经济性 [J]. 水处理技术, 2021, 475):83-88 (北大核心,CSCD7

[21] 柴蓓蓓, 曹锋锋, 任武昂*. 间歇曝气耦合内循环曝气生物滤池脱氮除磷性能研究 [J]. 环境污染与防治, 2020, 42(12): 1443-1448(北大核心,CSCD

[22] 任武昂, 曹锋锋, 鞠恺, 金鹏康, 李思敏, 柴蓓蓓*, 雷晓辉. 间歇曝气耦合内循环生物滤池污染物去除特征及微生物响应机制[J]. 中国环境科学, 2022422: 629-636. DOI10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.20210721.017EI, CSCD, 北大核心)4

[23] 袁轲婷, 任大钧, 万琼, 柴蓓蓓*, 康爱卿, 雷晓辉, 陈彬. 一株来自水库底泥的溶藻菌G2溶藻特性研究 [J]. 南方水产科学, 2022, 183):139-146(北大核心,CSCD

[24] Keting Yuan, Qiong Wan, Dajun Ren, Beibei Chai*, Aiqing Kang, Xiaohui Lei, Bin Chen. Isolation and algicidal properties study of the strain G1 from reservoir sediments [J]. Water Supply, 2021, ws2021393.,中科院分区区,IF1.7


1. 国际发明专利:CHAI Beibei, JIAO Meng, LEI Xiaohui, HE Lixin, CHENG Dongjuan, WU Haixia, SHI Wei, CHEN Bin. Modified Fly Ash Material For In-Situ Endogenous Pollution Water Body, Preparation Method and Application Thereof. Patent number: 2022/06688. Date of Acceptance: 2022.09.09. (已授权)

2. 国际发明专利:CHAI Beibei, ZHUO Tianyu, HE Lixin, LONG Yan, WANG Huiyong, MEN Zhigao. Device for Placing and Collecting DGT Probes of Sediments with Different Water Depths and Testing Method Thereof. Patent number: NG/PT/PCT/2023/7137. Date of Acceptance: 2023.03.13. (已授权)

3. 发明专利:柴蓓蓓,刘刚,龙岩,康爱卿,雷晓辉,陈彬. 用于水体原位内源污染控制的改性粉煤灰材料及制备方法、应用 受理号:202110696581.7 受理日期:2021.06.23

4. 发明专利:柴蓓蓓,雷晓辉,卓天宇,龙岩,康爱卿,陈彬. 不同水深沉积物DGT探针的投放采集设备及测试方法 受理号:202110918043.8 受理日期:2021.08.11

5. 实用新型专利:柴蓓蓓,雷晓辉,卓天宇,龙岩,康爱卿,陈彬. 不同水深沉积物DGT探针的投放采集设备 专利号:202121870291.1 授权日期:2021.12.03

6. 发明专利:黄廷林,柴蓓蓓. 高压多相界面模拟反应器  ZL 200810150300.2授权日期:2010.11.10(已授权)

7. 发明专利:黄廷林,柴蓓蓓. 基于扬水曝气技术的强化化学除磷无动力自动投加水质改善装置. ZL 201210033645.6(已受权)

8. 实用新型专利:柴蓓蓓 王淑璇 毛益坚. 一种模拟静水压变化对水体一沉积物界面影响的培养装置  专利号:201620222889.2受权日期:2016.6.23(已授权)

9. 实用新型专利:柴蓓蓓 毛益坚王淑璇. —种深水沉积物采样器. 专利号:201620223387.1受权日期:2016.7.18(已授权)

10. 计算机软件著作:柴蓓蓓 李夏夏 计明浩 王超 程瑶 王金贵. 深层次长短记忆网络模型软件V1.0. 证书号:软著登字第12951618. 登记号:2024SR0547745. 授权日期:2024.4.23

11. 计算机软件著作:柴蓓蓓 李夏夏 计明浩 王超 程瑶 王金贵. 时空网络模型软件V1.0. 证书号:软著登字第12951587. 登记号:2024SR0547714. 授权日期:2024.4.23

12. 计算机软件著作:柴蓓蓓·李夏夏·李鹏飞·朱少明. 基于线上知识图谱运行数据的多维学习成效评价系统V1.0. 证书号:软著登字第12780676. 授权日期:2024.3.11(已授权)

13. 计算机软件著作:柴蓓蓓·李夏夏·李鹏飞·朱少明. 基于多核五维五阶线上线下双螺旋式思政融入的育人成效评价系统V1.0. 证书号:软著登字第12780393. 授权日期:2024.3.11(已授权)

14. 计算机软件著作:柴蓓蓓·李夏夏·李鹏飞·朱少明. 基于启发构建体验三驱动的教学创新模式设计系统V1.0. 证书号:软著登字第12780954. 授权日期:2024.3.11(已授权)





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